Finance Ministry Team

By Alan Sorba (Treasurer), Francois Keet (Elder), Matt Ushida, Joe Dunkle, Russell Gesling, Peter Mathies (President), Kats Mikami, Larry Mojumdar

Finance Team

The activities described in the annual report have been made possible by the existence and effective operation of two separate legal entities, the Shukyo Hojin of TUC and the Tokyo Union Church Foundation, Inc. (“TUCF”). Each is a fully self-funded and self-managed charitable institution. Consistent with prior years, the financial results in this report have been prepared by combining the financial information of these entities (collectively “TUC”). 

The congregation determines operating priorities through the constitutionally prescribed directives, procedures, organizational structure and leadership selections. The congregation funds its operating priorities through regular tithing, loose donations, and designated gifts. 

TUC is grateful to receive donations designated for specific purposes such as for Outreach including the Mission with Our Homeless Neighbors (“MOHN”) and for the rebuilding of TUC’s church building, however unrestricted giving is encouraged in particular as it helps fund important operating costs such as the salaries of pastors and staff and expenditures necessary to maintain the church building and the pastor’s manse. 

The Finance Team monitors the short and long-term financial situation and offers recommendations as appropriate to help ensure that steps can be executed effectively in consideration of congregational priorities in a transparent manner.

Shukyo Hojin of TUC

Shukyo Hojin of TUC (“SKH”) supports TUC’s vision and integration in the community by assuring a legal entity status in Japan.  SKH also takes charge of organizational financial transactions as a legal entity.

SKH arranges the reports so that the Japanese authorities can understand the mission, vision, and activities of TUC.  On April 18, 2021, the SKH approved the 2020 activity reports and 2020 financial report for submission to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shibuya Tax Office.

Tokyo Union Church Foundation, Inc. 

The Tokyo Union Church Foundation, Inc. is a Delaware 501c (3) non-profit corporation (Tax number 51-6024083) and files a 990-PF tax return with the Internal Revenue Service yearly.  It allows United States taxpayers to make tax deductible donations. 

The 2021 officers were, John Mullins (Chairman), Russell Gesling (Vice Chairman), Brock McMunn (Secretary) and Joseph Dunkle (Treasurer). The term of office is three years and the Board receives no compensation. 

The members of the Investment Committee are John Mullins, Russell Gesling, Joseph Dunkle, Karl Koschnitzke, Finance Team Elder of Shukyo Hojin of TUC, and Treasurer of Shukyo Hojin of TUC.

Property and Use

The Property & Use committee manages and oversees the maintenance, upkeep, and use of all real estate and physical property of TUC, including all maintenance contracts and insurance policies as well as the day-to-day management and operation of all church facilities and the manse.

We are a dedicated group of TUC members who care about our church building, the pastor’s homes, and church property. We joyfully serve together each working with the gifts and talents God has given them. We are open to all members and gladly welcome volunteers who want to serve and enjoy fellowship together.

Finance elder, Francois Keet leads our committee and provides helpful insight with decisions that require careful use of church finances.

Members of Property & Use meet together quarterly to discuss ideas, suggestions, improvements, and pray for our work and for each other. During the Covid-19 pandemic we met together via Zoom. Regular correspondence helped us learn about the ongoing needs of the church and any special tasks that required volunteers. Safety protocols of distancing and mask wearing were in place during our work.

We had many reasons to be thankful and to celebrate the fellowship of our team and share accomplishments that resulted from many hours of work given in service by Property & Use members.

Property & Use Committee Members: Matt Ushida, Ikuko Omori, Maki Yamamoto, Larry Mojumdar, Keola Lacar, Chie Matsuda, Takako Schmidt, Jody Fuller, TUC sexton, Daiki Sasaki and Francois Keet, elder for Finance.

Please list the activities of your ministry this past year.


Property and Use

  • Repaired the water leakage, cracks and painting of the exterior of the church. 

  • 3F Play Deck and balcony fencing and wooden frame was dismantled and waterproofed to repurpose the use of this space.

  • Rewiring the Internet LAN cables and network infrastructure that increased the communication speed from 15-90Mbps to 200-500Mbps in all areas.  Having a fast and resilient data network is mandatory for our digital transformation and livestream of sermons.

  • The basement areas were cleaned, and the storage room was painted.

  • Deep cleaning of all bathrooms.

  • Installed energy efficient lighting in common areas of the Church.

  • Repaired internal wall cracks, doors and repaint.

  • Due to the pandemic, no safety drills were conducted.

  • Each member of the team shares their time and talent in many ways such as on-site volunteering, praying for each member and attendance at meetings to share work and fellowship. We thank our elder, Francois Keet, for his communication and steady support of the Property & Use committee.



Personnel Ministry Team


Outreach Ministry Team