Meeting the needs of others

The Outreach Ministry Team


Deuteronomy 10:17-19

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Matthew 25:44-45

They also will answer, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?”  He will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Mission Statement

“Integrated in community and active in joyful service, the TUC Outreach Ministry is committed to sharing the light of Christ by serving the needy and protecting the vulnerable in the heart of Tokyo, throughout Japan and Asia, and the rest of the world.”

Outreach News

* Thank you from the Bott Memorial Children’s Home

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Christmas presents for the Bott Memorial Children's Home. Please click here to see the Thank You messages from the children and staff.

* In January 2025, TUC Outreach donated $2000 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for aid to the wildfire-affected areas in and around Los Angeles.

* Thank you from Prebyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)

In October 2024, TUC Outreach donated 200,000 yen to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), based in the US, for relief work in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, a storm that caused devastating damage in North and South Carolina and other states in the Southeastern US. Here is how our donation is helping:

PDA has distributed more than $150,000 in grants to the areas affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. These are emergency grants (potable water, food, tools, shelter, medical care, sanitation and hygiene items, clothing, etc.) and church damage grants. 

Vivian Hare, Outreach’s contact, wrote: “On behalf of so many who are affected by this disaster in our western North Carolina region, thank you for this wonderful donation! We are tremendously grateful for your love, care, and concern.”

Please continue to pray for all who were affected by this hurricane and for all others in the world who have been affected by natural disasters. 

For further updates, or if you would like to make an individual donation, here is the website:

Noto/Ishikawa Earthquake/Flooding Response: 

At Tokyo Union Church we have responded to the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster by making gifts to three practical and immediate emergency responses. If you wish to donate, please do so directly by visiting the organizations' websites:

1) Noto Help – a Christian relief center providing on-site support activities on a daily basis


2) 2nd Harvest Japan – providing food for evacuated survivors in the affected area

3) World Vision Japan – providing psychosocial support for the children, including play time and space

Noto Earthquake Relief Concert (held on Sunday, June 23, 2024)

Habitat for Humanity Japan - 253,500 yen

Salt Network - 253,500 yen

Emergency Aid for Flooding in Noto (September 2024)

Habitat for Humanity (Emergency Aid for flooding in Noto) - 200,000 yen

Second Harvest Japan ( Emergency Aid for flooding in Noto  ) - 200,000 yen

Outreach Recipients

May to December 2023

St. Alban’s Deeper Service Ministry - 240,000 yen

ARI  (50th anniversary) - 500,000 yen

DWB (Ukraine and Libya Emergency Relief) - 250,000 yen

Lutheran Relief (Gaza Emergency Relief) - 100,000 yen

TEC Christmas Concert to Doctors Without Borders - 177,500 yen

JOEE - 300,000 yen

Bott - 140,000 (private donation) 

Christmas Offering 2023

Budo no Ki - 217,097  yen

Lutheran World Relief - 217,097  yen

Ishikawa Earthquake Relief January 2024

Uchinada Bible Church (Ishikawa prefecture) - 100,000 yen

World Vision Japan - 100,000 yen

Second Harvest Japan - 100,000 yen

February to March 2024

Ember Kenya Grandparents Empowerment Project - 2,000 USD

NPO KRAIANY - Association of Friendship Japan-Ukraine  - 100,000 yen

Doctors Without Borders  - 200,000 yen

Easter Offering 2024

Deeper Service Ministry (DSG) - 179,638 yen

Doctors Without Borders - 179,638 yen

April to June 2024

TELL - 200,000 yen

Hosanna Homes - 100,000 yen

Noto Earthquake Relief Concert (6/23/2024)

Habitat for Humanity Japan - 253,500 yen

Salt Network - 253,500 yen

July 2024

Doctors Without Borders (Humanitarian Aid in Sudan) - 200,000 yen

Doctors Without Borders (Humanitarian Aid in Gaza) - 200,000 yen

Philippine Self-Helf Foundation - $14,000 USD  (as a flow-through approved by Admin only from two private donors)

September 2024

Habitat for Humanity (Emergency Aid for flooding in Noto) - 200,000 yen

Second Harvest Japan ( Emergency Aid for flooding in Noto  ) - 200,000 yen

October 2024

Presbyterian Disaster Aid (Emergency Relief for Hurricane Helene in the southeastern United States) - 200,000 yen

World Vision Japan (Emergency Relief for the Nepal Monsoon) - 200,000 yen

Habitat for Humanity Japan (Bott Memorial Home construction of a multipurpose room) - 500,000 yen

Christmas Offering 2024

Asian Rural Institute (ARI) - 308,300 yen

Budo no Ki -  308,300 yen

January 2025

Doctors Without Borders (Humanitarian Aid in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and other related conflict areas) - 200,000 yen

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for aid to the wildfire-affected areas in and around Los Angeles - $2000


<ぶどうの木 - Budo no Ki>

Our partner, Budo no Ki, Grape Vine, is an NPO helping women and their families affected by domestic violence. We are sharing a pamphlet with their information (in Japanese only).

Currently financial donations are most helpful. Please make bank transfers to:

Mizuho Bank Sakuradai Branch

Normal Account 200524

Budo no Ki

As they do not have space to accept clothes/furniture donations in their shelter, they accept rice and canned goods. However, they have to be delivered on foot (no Japan post or takkyubin) to protect the whereabouts of the shelter. Please contact

See below the flyer of Budo no Ki


Partnering with us

For partnership with and funding from the TUC on reaching communities in need, please see the funding criteria and form below: