Nominating Team
By April Morito
Elders: Andy Chen, April Morito
Members: Mary Aso, Russell Gesling, Suresh Kukde, Pastor Steve Yamaguchi, and Pastor Hector Herrera
The Lord has graciously watched over and guided this team throughout this year, giving us wisdom and discernment in our search for the new elders who will lead the church as we come out of the difficult pandemic years. We thank the following incoming elders who have accepted the Lord’s call to lead the church in the coming year and who were elected by the congregation at the January congregational meeting: Catherine Sasanuma, Rika Nakajima, Alan Sorba, Isaac Lee, Alison Harada, Francoise Keets, Jody Fuller and April Morito.
We also want to thank those stepping down after dedicating long hours of work and leadership. Stephanie del Rosario, Noriko Sakoh, Winnie Langelaar. We appreciate all the sacrifice you have given to the church's work.
The Nominating team is also tasked with putting together a Pastor Search Team who will be responsible in finding a new pastor who will lead our church when Pastor Steve’s contract ends. The NMT is in the middle of putting this team together at the time of writing this report, and we will be taking the nominees of the Pastor Search team to the congregation for approval.
We also thank elders who continue to serve in their respective ministries: Brad Schmidt, Vanessa Sihite, Eiji Hoshi, Andy Chen, and Michiko Yaegashi. Lastly, the church's smooth running depends mainly on those who quietly work behind the scenes, consistently showing up and getting the work done, and yet remain anonymous. We thank you, and we thank the Lord for you - friends and members and church staff who dedicate their time and talents to the work of the Lord. Our hearts are full and overflowing with thanks and praise to our Lord.