Outreach Ministry Team
How have you seen God at work in your ministry over the year?
The Outreach Ministry Team decided in 2021-2022 that the key communities they will give to are, notably, the homeless, children (ex., orphans, underage care providers), those in poverty, vulnerable women (ex. domestic violence victims, single mothers), disaster victims, the imprisoned, those persecuted for the faith, and internally, externally displaced people, and refugees. Thus now giving us the funding criteria and funding request form that we believe is accessible, inclusive, transparent, and responsible.
We look forward to continuing to strengthen the Outreach Ministry that connects TUC to serve our neighbors in need in Tokyo, in Japan, and beyond.
Please list the activities of your ministry this past year.
Financial Giving -
Designated donations received included:
¥7,236,266 for Outreach: Philippine Self Help Foundation (“PSHF”) ¥3,476,851, MOHN ¥2,790,313, Easter Special Offering ¥452,800, Christmas Special Offering ¥463,105, BOTT Memorial Fund ¥33,745, and others ¥19,452;
Designated donations spent for Outreach included:
¥3,334,508: PSHF;
¥2,025,945: MOHN; and,
¥869,503: Others - World Vision (Ukraine) ¥470,749, Asia Rural Institute ¥100,000, Budou no Ki ¥100,000, Joyful Opportunity English Education ¥100,000, Global Giving ¥58,344, the BOTT Memorial Fund ¥25,560, and gifts for recipients in Tohoku ¥14,850.
Tohoku Relief -
As we have done for the past 10 years, this year again we sent our Christmas and Easter greetings and blessings and our prayers and encouragement for March 11 to Heart Knit, Tohoku Help Disaster Recovery Organisation and the three churches in Tohoku we supported after the 2011 disaster: Miyako Community Church, Seaside Bible Church in Sendai and Senmaya United Church of Christ. Thanks to Dima Kato for organizing this.
Budou no Ki -
Budou no Ki is a Christian domestic violence shelter and support organization that offers emergency shelter, pro-bono legal assistance, and counseling for battered women and children. In 2022, TUC Outreach increased its support for this organization as one of the recipients of the Christmas Offering. We support transportation costs associated with volunteers moving out victims from violent homes and accompanying them to social welfare and legal agencies.
MOHN - Larry Mojumdar
Prepare many onigiri bentos to be delivered the next morning.
To deliver the above early every morning, excluding Sundays, by going to TUC first to receive the bentos prepared the day before, and deliver them to places in Shibuya 109, or other basement areas where many homeless survive overnight.
Prepare warm bentos every third Saturday of the month and deliver them to Yoyogi park where our homeless neighbors line up to receive these bentos.
Hand out OSECHI foods on the first of January in Yoyogi park to let our neighbors taste a little favor of traditional Japanese New Year breakfast.
Bott Memorial Home -
In December Larissa Soares and Naomi Tokuda graciously and efficiently carried on with the Christmas Gifts Program. The children enjoyed opening the gifts and had a joyful time on the 24th, thanks to so many donors who were eager to send their love to the children.
After our announcement of the Christmas gifts for Bott children last November, a generous donor who only participates in TUC online services, expressed his willingness to give presents to Bott Memorial Home. Bott’s requests were the donor wanted to donate some money for Bott children and some families in need. Neck warmers were purchased for the handbell team members and donated the rest of the money to Budou-no-ki. The director, Ms. Mori, used the money to prepare Scotch eggs, cookies and cyclamens for the mothers and children that they were supporting, to celebrate Christmas. After that, the donor wrote he and his wife wanted to buy and send shoes and clothes for twenty children in the Home and asked for needed sizes, which I told him. He also sent two boxes of toys as well. Director Miyamoto of Bott Home wrote thank-you letters.
Thanks to Akiko Adachi for maintaining a strong relationship with Bott Memorial Home