Personnel Ministry Team
By Eiji Hoshi
Elders: Alison Harad and Eiji Hoshi
Members: Pastor Steve Yamaguchi, Dennis Schneider, Francois Keet (Finance liaison), Kathy Koll, and Yoshito Kijima
How have you seen God at work in your ministry over the year?
We were sorry that faithful sexton, Mr. Daiki Sasaki, decided to resign from the position last July. But God caused everything work together for our good. His full job responsibilities were nicely shared by a property manager, staff, a cleaning service and TUC volunteers. He entered upon a career!
Please list the activities of your ministry this past year.
This can be as specific or general as you would like. The purpose is to give the congregation a quick sense of TUC's activities this year.
The Personnel Ministry Team (PMT) is responsible for all the full and part-time employees of TUC. There are currently nine people in paid employment: Pastor, Associate Pastor, Director of Youth Ministry, Director of Children Ministry, Finance and Accounting Manager, Office Administrator, Choir Director and two Organists. The PMT’s role here is to support all the church staff, including the pastors. We are also responsible for preparing, maintaining and renewing annual employment contracts and ensuring evaluations and feedback are provided on a timely basis. PMT responds to any personnel issues that arise as well as provides support and helps to facilitate a pleasant work environment for the church staff. PMT meets almost monthly to discuss issues. In February 2023, we took up a Love Gift offering for the nine church staff members. Thank God that the loving congregation offered a lot of gifts for them.