Get to Know Us

Tokyo Union Church, located on Omotesando in the heart of Tokyo’s fashion district, has become a landmark in this bustling city. It has been the home of Christians from many different nations for 150 years. Established by various missionaries, originally mostly from the USA, to serve their need for worship in English, it expanded to include believers from around the world. With time, it has grown into an all-embracing church comprising people from many different countries, Christian traditions, and walks of life who have made this their spiritual home. The percentage of Japanese Christians seeking a place of worship has also increased markedly over the past few years to about 50% Japanese today. TUC’s cosmopolitan character is reflected in our church motto: God’s house, my home.

On Palm Sunday, 2022, after two years of physical isolation due to the pandemic, we launched Tokyo Union Church’s 150th Anniversary year. Finally, with the relaxation of COVID restrictions, we were able to reconnect with our wonderful congregation and re-inaugurate Tokyo Union Church with “Meet, Pray, Love.” This celebration marked that we were coming back to God’s house, celebrating 150 years of ministry, and reaching out to former, current and future members both remotely and in person. This was designed to reach all alumni in every time zone around the globe. Over 1,100 alumni joined us.

We also celebrated our 150th with our “Joyful Jubilee” celebration in October, 2022. Over 500 people attended two days of dinners, lunches, and a special coffee hour. In November a group of members made a pilgrimage to Nagasaki, to recognize, remember, find inspiration, and learn about the early Christians in Japan. Our final event was a discussion with Martin Scorsese which explored his movie Silence and his own faith.

2022, our 150th Anniversary Year, was a turning point in TUC’s history. Our motto was “A community of love for all people.” This is who we hope to be as a church for our next 150 years!

Membership Profile 

Over the past ten years, TUC has maintained a steady growth reflecting membership from many denominations and nationalities from all over the world. Members of our congregation represent over 30 countries. Around 65% of our congregation is non-native English speaking. Our average in-person Sunday attendance is 217 and we reach 100 screens each Sunday via our live stream. Our live stream is viewed in 13 prefectures in Japan and 12 countries around the world.

Our Vision

Tokyo Union Church is an international, ecumenical community Grounded in Christ, Open to All, Active in Joyful Service, and Integrated in Community. We have been called by God to bear witness to God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ our Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. In faithful obedience, we worship the one, triune, and living God. 

Our Mission

We strive to be a diverse community of growing, committed Christians in the heart of Tokyo, sharing the light of Christ with all nations.

What makes TUC a great place to be?

TUC is an Active Congregation

It’s a place where various interest groups can join some of the many ministries to suit their preferences or their calling. TUC has a wide range of active ministries embracing Evangelism, Outreach, Youth Discipleship, Spiritual Formation, Community Life, Worship & Music, and more.

Youth and Children’s Discipleship

We are grateful to have more and more children coming back to TUC. After seeing God at work during our online sessions back in 2021, we went back to in-person VBS and Sunday School in 2022. We now have over 30 children joining us for worship and Sunday gatherings each week.

Our youth ministry is also in a time of rebuilding. Our youth go on yearly retreats and service trips, and meet weekly on Sundays for discussion and special events.

Young Adults Ministry (YAG)

The Young Adults Group (YAG) is a community of young working professionals and students. We welcome those who are university students and those in their 20s and 30s. Over the past year, we experienced explosive growth. Our most recent events have hosted around 45 attendees. YAG meets weekly and holds regular special events and retreats.

Adult Education

TUC has various in person and online Adult Education opportunities, including studies on the Psalms, lectio divina groups, Sunday education including the Alpha course and other studies, Pastoral Investigations, Sermon Lab, and Morning Meet-Up.

Men’s Ministry

A twice monthly breakfast allows men to share their faith and engage in thought provoking discussions on various faith and life issues. The Men’s Ministry meets both in-person and online.

Women’s Groups

A self guided group of TUC women meet virtually on Thursdays to fellowship and discuss scripture. Other in person meeting opportunities are being planned for the fall of 2023.

Arts Ministry

As an outreach to the greater Tokyo community, this ministry produces free ballet performances. Our early Christmas and Easter performances welcome many members of the public and offer TUC ways to connect with our community. Recent ballet performances have welcomed around 320 people.

TUC is a Welcoming Church

Hospitality is our calling card and embracing those who seek a place to worship is our trademark. Our Greeters’ Ministry makes sure visitors are welcomed at the door while early morning worshippers gather around the coffee station. Our weekly coffee hour is a hub for community life here at TUC.

At TUC, our doors are open to our community, and many outside groups use our building to gather. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), OA (Overeaters Anonymous), NA (Narcotics Anonymous), ITAA (Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous), Mother Song, and Festive Friday meet regularly at TUC.

TUC is actively evolving to welcome and include new members both online and in person. We have adapted to this new chapter by creating many hybrid opportunities for fellowship and ministry.

TUC is Missional

Ministry with Our Homeless Neighbors (MOHN)

Six days a week, ten months a year, members and friends of TUC make and deliver rice balls (onigiri) to approximately 70 homeless people sleeping in local subway/train stations and residing in a nearby park. Due to the Covid virus, the monthly full lunch has been replaced with delivered bento boxes. In addition, winter underwear is distributed in the fall, and a traditional Japanese New Year’s breakfast box is served on January 1st. From time to time, we receive donations (rainwear, other food, or beverages) from outside sources, and these are distributed at the monthly lunch event.

Our Mission Partners

TUC is committed to supporting key communities including the homeless, children, those in poverty, vulnerable women, disaster victims, the imprisoned, those persecuted for the faith, and internally, externally displaced people, and refugees. Partners that we support both financially and through service include:

  • Philippine Self Help Foundation (PSHF)

  • Ministry with Our Homeless Neighbors (MOHN)

  • BOTT Memorial Home (Foster home for children)

  • World Vision (Ukraine, Romania, Syria, Turkey)

  • Asian Rural Institute (Organic sustainable farm)

  • Budou no Ki (Domestic violence shelter)

  • Joyful Opportunity English Education (English education in foster homes)

  • Global Giving

  • Tohoku disaster relief

Ecumenical Relations

TUC is a charter member of the Japan Christian Council of the United Church of Christ in Japan (i.e. the Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan). TUC pastors work to build ecumenical partnerships and to minister collegially with other Christian congregations and ministries. TUC leaders also provide significant leadership for the Tokyo Interfaith Council

TUC is Looking to the Future

In the next five years we hope to:

  • Deepen our experience of belonging to God and to one another as a diverse, international community. In a vast city, where many feel lost, belonging to a place where we are known deeply is transformative.

  • Learn and grow as a church both in-person and online. In addition to our face-to-face engagements, we will continue to explore our digital connections and how they enrich our life together.

  • Strengthen our alumni and global connections. We will expand opportunities for members and alumni to continue to connect, and contribute to TUC.


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