Pastor Hector’s Call

Hello, Tokyo Union Church Family! I am happy to share with you the good news that on Sunday at our February Church Council meeting, the Council voted to approve a two year renewal of Pastor Hector’s Associate Pastor contract. This is good news us all!

The TUC  constitution says the Pastor is called for an initial 4 year term, but Associate Pastors are called for an initial 2 year term that is renewable. Our council in its wisdom has renewed with Pastor Hector so his contract will extend through October 2024.

When a pastor discerns a call to a pastorate, there are two parts to the call. There must be an internal call, but there must also be an external call. Internally, he or she must have a clear sense that God has equipped them with the gifts of a pastor and that God’s Holy Spirit has been transforming and preparing them for this peculiar and sacred ministry. And they must have a compelling desire to serve God in this unusual and demanding form of service. But that is not enough!

There must also be an external call from the church, from the community of faith. The church must also confirm that God has gifted this person to be a pastor, and eventually a particular church must say, “We believe God has called and gifted You to be OUR Pastor.”

Pastor Hector’s external call has been clear. His review was conducted a few months ago and he received positive reviews from all corners of the church. There is wide appreciation for the gifts and energy he brings and for the innovation he brings that we need. His internal call to TUC is also clear and strong. He loves this church and he wants to be here doing God’s work among us. His wife has a job she loves and their children are thriving in their nursery school. They are all happy to be here in Tokyo at TUC.

And I love having Pastor Hector here. We are quite different and our gifts are very complementary. He is a great partner in ministry.

I am so happy to share with you this good news from this month’s church council meeting. Thanks be to God.


Ash Wednesday


Plum Blossoms