Thank you to Council Elders
By Pastor Steve
Being an Elder on the TUC Council is an important way that members can serve our community. We say many thanks to those elders finishing their term as well as to the new elders installed on Sunday.
Elders Finishing their Term:
Michiko Yaegashi – Spiritual Formation. Michiko has kept the lifeline of prayer going at TUC through our Prayer and Healing Ministry Team. She has organized and led our Prayer and Healing Services as well as our Prayer Chain and our Prayer teams after worship.
Jody Fuller – Worship & Music. Jody has overseen all the other teams that serve and lead worship each week, including music, choirs, ushers, greeters, altar guild for our sacraments, audio visual technology, and the coordination of all these moving parts.
Alan Sorba – Treasurer. Alan has served tirelessly as treasurer coordinating with our Finance Ministry Team and staff. He also served on the Administration Team to provide leadership for the council and the church. He has also led our Stewardship team, focusing on stewardship of Time and Talent as well as financial treasure.
Rika Nakajima – Vice President. Rika has served in this key role on the Administration Team, providing wisdom and leadership. She has also served our Personnel Ministry Team as well as special task forces that have regularly benefited from her deep spiritual devotion wed with her legal professional skills and gifts.
Isaac Lee - Clerk. Isaac has served our church, our Council, and our Administration Team by organizing us, keeping our records, and providing guidance and discipline to our work. His organizational skills and his professional skill as a diplomat in his country’s foreign service has been a great gift to us all.
Newly Elected & Installed Council Elders:
Ji Mu - Clerk. Jimu has been very active in both evangelism and the Young Adult Group. She has been an important leader and support for the Alpha courses, both in English language at TUC and in Chinese at the nearby Gloria TIng Center. She brings a great love for Christ and great organizational skills to this call.
Martha Gomez - Hospitality and Community Life. Martha has been faithfully active at TUC for many years but this is her first time to serve on council. She brings together her love for people and her love for God and her love for her church. She now brings oversight and organization for her already strong Hospitality crew.
Ikuko Omori - Property and Technology. Ikuko is a long-time TUC member and has served on Council before. In this new Council role she continues her diligent care for the church’s property which she has already been taking care of for years. Her professional skills and her love for God and God’s church make her the perfect choice for this new eldership.
Peter Mathies - Spiritual Formation. Peter is a former council elder and President of the Congregation. In his new role he will oversee multiple faces of Spiritual Formation, including prayer and healing ministries, adult education, and leadership development. He brings an international and keen interest in many diverse Christian traditions .
Elders Continuing on Council
Catherine Sasanuma - President of the Congregation
Francois Keet - Finance Ministry Team
April Morito - Nominating Ministry Team
Alison Harada - Personnel Ministry Team
Vanessa Sihite - Children & Youth