Who where the Women in the Bible?

The Yale Bible Study

Women in the Bible sheds light on familiar biblical characters in the Bible. We will study characters who are less well-known to many Bible readers. Through the stories of these women, discover how gender can inform your reading as you explore how these stories relate to your own faith journey. We will follow the Yale Divinity School’s “Yale Bible Study” led by Dr. Jacqueline Vayntrub and Dr. Yii-Jan Lin

The Class

We will meet online at various times. The class uses the Harvard pedagogical method of “Connect, Extend, Challenge.” Please watch a video before our class, and write down connections, extensions, and challenges. We will then go into a group discussion to share our findings.

Week 1: Sarah

Week 2: Tamar

Week 3: Women Warriors

Week 4: Mary Mother of Jesus

Week 5: Mary Magdalene

Week 6: The Woman at the Well

Week 7: The Whore of Babylon


Book an appointment.

If you ever want to talk with Pastor Héctor, please make sure to schedule an appointment down below.