Spiritual Formation
By Michiko Yaegashi

How have you seen God at work in your ministry over the year?
Adult Education
Sermon Lab - The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the text of the scriptures and the voices of one another. God uses a rich blend of diverse religious backgrounds. The Spirit also prompts and provokes thinking on the text before the sermon, which some people greatly enjoy.
Group Lectio Divina with Pastor Steve - God speaks to us through the text we listen to on the given day. As we spend much of the hour in quiet and listening, the words of the text seep into our hearts and minds. There God can speak to us, and we can hear the biblical text more deeply. Participants experience a sense of calm and peace. God meets us. In this weekly oasis of quiet in the presence of God. Newcomers are always welcome.
Pastoral Investigations - Led by Pastor Héctor there were three different chapters in the year 2022. The first class, "How the Bible was Made," delved into the history and use of the Historical-Critical Method to explore the Bible's creation. The second class, the used the Yale Bible Study to investigate “What is Christmas About? The Incarnation,” was led by Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton. The third class, "Who Were the Women in the Bible?" focused on less well-known female biblical characters and was led by Dr. Jacqueline Vayntrub and Dr. Yii-Jan Lin. All classes will use the Harvard pedagogical method of "Connect, Extend, Challenge" and meet online.
Reading & Praying The Psalms - They have seen God changing their lives through His words. Through prayer with God, they could receive peace and joy from above.
Adult Christian Education - Led by Pastor Hector and Jonathan Oh. They studied Shusaku Endo's book Silence, about the Hidden Christians in Japan, and viewed videos about this critical time in Japan's history. They also reflected on how Hidden Christians practiced their faith and the legacy they have today. Additionally, they celebrated the 150th anniversary of Tokyo Union Church by viewing videos about various aspects of its history. The class also talked about Global Christianity, seeking to listen more and understand the influence of culture in theological practice. As part of this conversation, members of Tokyo Union Church shared their history and faith reflections.
Spiritual Life
The Prayer & Healing Ministry - When the team members pray for those desiring prayer after the service, they feel God sending those who need prayer. They also feel God at work when they are given the words of prayer those desiring prayer need and when those desiring prayers are given healing, guidance, answers, and encouragement after prayer. After the Prayer & Healing Service, they feel that God has worked when they read the feedback from those who have been cleansed, encouraged, blessed, and miraculously healed.
The Prayer Chain - While the Prayer Chain letter is used only for urgent prayer requests and is not a regular weekly or monthly email sending, the coordinator was able to see how sharing requests contributes to the community at TUC in a quiet way. There have been requests for help regarding basic food and shelter, and the requests seem desperate. The coordinator passes on the request and receives a response from brothers and sisters who wish to help. The email address is then forwarded to those who want to help. They have a community of believers who care and will take actions to care. They see God at work in the work of this community.
Wednesday Prayer Group - They pray for TUC, its members, and its Ministries. They find peace and see God in His answers to their prayers.
Please list the activities of your ministry this past year.
Adult Education
Sermon Lab - A weekly Bible study that meets every evening at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays. They dig deeper into the Bible verses that will be preached on Sunday with the preacher. Everyone is welcome to ask questions, listen to other perspectives, and grow deeper in faith and understanding of the Holy text.
Group Lectio Divina with Pastor Steve - A time to spend listening to the Bible-slowly, quietly, attentively. Each Thursday morning at 8 am gather with Pastor Steve to listen to God’s word for the day. All comers are welcome.
Pastoral Investigations - A weekly study that will take place on Zoom every Wednesday at 12:00 pm with Pastor Hector. The study will wrestle with classic and modern texts from the Christian tradition. Everyone is invited to eat lunch and join the study during lunch break.
Reading & Praying The Psalms - Over the last year, the group has been reading the Gospel of John in the style of St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises with guidance from a Jesuit who has a profound experience with the Spiritual Exercises.
Adult Christian Education - Adult Christian Education is between the first and second Services. In August 2022, Pastor Hector facilitated the Book Reading Group using the book “Silence.” The topic in September was “Japanese Hidden Christians.” Pastor Hector facilitated this class in person, and Jonathan Oh facilitated it online. Pastor Hector and Jonathan continued to lead this group on “History of TUC” and “Theology Without Borders.”
Spiritual Life
The Prayer & Healing Ministry - Prayer and Healing Services are held in spring and fall. Prayer for those desiring prayer after Sunday services have resumed. At the monthly meeting, they have prayer time as well.
The Prayer Chain - The members pray for prayer requests sent by the coordinator almost twice a month
Wednesday Prayer Group - They send out prayer requests among the members and have prayer time individually every first and third Wednesday.