Welcoming the Children

This Sunday’s gospel reading shows Jesus with his disciples who have just been arguing about who is the greatest. Jesus brings a child into their midst, puts his arm around the child and says “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

If you welcome one of these little children, you welcome God. Do you believe that? Does it seem to simple?

I want to thank all of you, who make this a community of welcome and inclusion for our youth and children. I particularly want to thank our youth and children’s ministry volunteers, who show up with so much love, commitment, and presence for our young people. They put into practice the teaching of Jesus to welcome the little ones. I want to thank Tomoka, Tomomi, Maria, Vanessa, Ghim, Lynnet, Rachel, Damon, Pastor Hector, and all our past youth and children’s ministry volunteers. You embody the teaching of Jesus that when you welcome a child you welcome God. 

The rest of this video is a clip from one of our Sunday gatherings a few weeks ago. Sunday gatherings are one of the ways we welcome children at this church. I love this video because we see the joy, creativity, voices, and personalities of some of the children in this church. I hope you see God’s face in theirs. 


If you have kids would would like to join our Sunday Gathering, we meet weekly on Sundays from 10-10:30 am. You can find more information on our Youth and Children’s Ministry page.

This video has been used with the permission of parents.


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