Reopening In-Person Worship

Welcome back to this space! We are so happy to announce that this coming Sunday morning this Sanctuary will be OPEN at 8:30 again for live, in-the-house worshippers. The state of Emergency is being lifted TODAY, Thursday the 30th , and we are ready and eager and happy to be re-opening for this World Communion Sunday, October 3. We have missed gathering in person here on Omotesando, and this week begins our gradual but steady and careful RE-OPENING of the sanctuary for public worship and the building for our gathering. We will continue with Livestream worship at 11 am. Because the safety of all is so important, seating is limited for now social distancing and masks are required, and you must sign up beforehand. Your contact information will need to be registered so we can do proper contact tracing if needed. Volunteers leading and serving will be vaccinated. We are doing all we can to be safe and responsible while we celebrate with joy our in-house reunion. Today, Thursday, you may send your request for 8:30 seating by clicking on the button above. As this is our first week back, your requests for 8:30 in-house seats are due by this Saturday at noon, but please make your requests as soon as possible. On Friday we will begin sending confirmations to let you know if there is an 8:30 seat for you this week. If there is no seating for you this week, we are sorry but we will prioritize your seating for next week. Next week the deadline for 8:30 requests will be on Thursday, October 7, at noon. Starting next week, the deadline will be Thursday at noon every week. For the majority of us who will still be worshipping online via Livestream, we will continue at 11 am with Livestream only. It will be World Communion Sunday, so do prepare your communion elements and your table as we join all our tables together with Christians all around the world in fellowship and unity as the Body of Christ.


God’s House, My Home


Welcoming the Children